DF Studio is pleased to announce that the following changes have been deployed to all accounts throughout this March. Up-to-date information on the latest releases can always be found in the Release Notes listing.
- Custom metadata configurations now support metadata rules, which will alert users when attempting to save metadata changes that do not conform to the rules.
- The option to export asset metadata in tab-delimited format has been restored to the Export Metadata overlay.
Asset Workflows & Organization
- Share Links now include information about the DF Studio account from which they were shared.
- Date-related sorting options have been added to the “Arrange” feature in Collections.
- The Viewing Preferences overlay for Projects and Collections has been streamlined for more consistent behavior, clarity, and ease-of-use.
- The Column View for navigating Library folders has been updated for more consistent behavior when scrolling or navigating using keyboard shortcuts.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug which caused the “Queue for Send” button to appear in some Projects and Collections for which the user did not have “Send Messengers” permissions granted.
- Patched an error which prevented the metadata editing overlay from closing when clicking the “Save” button to store metadata changes.
- Addressed a misconfiguration which caused metadata exports to format certain data types inconsistently.
- Rectified a problem which caused metadata values not to be updated as expected, in accounts with specific custom metadata configurations.
Uploads & Assignments
- Corrected a bug which could cause failures when importing Messenger links copied from certain sources.
- Resolved a fault which prevented the importing of TIFF files with values in the TIFF DateTimeOriginal metadata field.
- Fixed an issue which caused Project names to be truncated in the Upload Monitor if they included an ampersand (&) character.
- Addressed an issue which caused inconsistency in the proper function of the “Upload” button in the Upload Monitor.
Downloads & Transfers
- Rectified a defect which prevented the downloading of more than one file from asset search results.
Account Management
- Corrected a problem which prevented the “Close Account” button on the Billing settings page from functioning as expected.
- Fixed a fault which caused errors when attempting to add DF Studio users to a new Team.
- Addressed a bug which caused the list of Team members to be sorted differently in different contexts when managing Teams in the Users and Teams settings.
Asset Workflows & Organization
- Fixed an issue which caused an empty proofsheet to be presented after moving assets to a new Setup.
- Corrected a misconfiguration which created incomplete search results when searching custom metadata fields configured with pre-defined values.
- Adjusted the configuration for generating previews from raw file formats when no JPG or TIFF files are available, to match the brightness present in the original image file more closely.
- Resolved a bug which omitted some search “facets” from search results with large numbers of matches.
- Fixed a bug which could cause the workspace to go blank when navigating in the Column View using keyboard shortcuts.
- Mitigated a defect which would occasionally prevent opening Projects and Collections when double-clicking them in a Library column view.
- Patched a fault which could result in an incomplete view of an account’s Projects listing, when accessed with a specific Viewing Preferences configuration in place.
- Addressed an anomaly which could cause unexpected behavior when navigating folders in column view with keyboard commands.
Security & Protection
- Corrected a defect which caused the “Everyone Else” permission in the Permissions overlay to show “No Access” when permission inheritance was disabled, even in circumstances where the actual permission setting was something else.