DF Studio is pleased to announce that the following changes have been deployed to all accounts throughout this January. Up-to-date information on the latest releases can always be found in the Release Notes listing.
- The new feature for invalidating a Messenger recipient’s approvals is now enabled by default on all accounts.
- A specific permission has been added to control users’ access to running People Recognition within the DF Studio account.
- The “Recognize” button for running People Recognition now appears in the Asset Inspector when multiple assets are selected.
Asset Workflows & Organization
- Collection views now feature the Setups menu, allowing assets to be filtered or grouped according to their Setups in their source Projects.
- Assets can be grouped by Star Rating or Key People, in addition to Setups, Selects, Approvals, or the default page view.
- Group headers in the proofsheet can be clicked to select all assets in a specific group.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved a problem which prevented the “Removed” section from appearing in the People dashboard.
Asset Workflows & Organization
- Addressed an issue which could cause an empty view when opening a selected asset in 1-Up View.
- Corrected a bug which would open the 2-Up Compare with no asset shown on the right side.
- Removed the non-functional “People” button from the query input field when composing a search using the Person/Role metadata field.